

To see a list of supported formatters and which formatters are enabled/disabled:

golangci-lint help formatters

All Formatters

gci  Checks if code and import statements are formatted, with additional rules.v1.30.0
gofmt  Checks if the code is formatted according to 'gofmt' command.v1.0.0
gofumpt  Checks if code and import statements are formatted, with additional rules.v1.28.0
goimports  Checks if the code and import statements are formatted according to the 'goimports' command.v1.20.0
golines  Checks if code is formatted, and fixes long lines.v2.0.0

Formatters Configuration


Checks if code and import statements are formatted, with additional rules.

# Section configuration to compare against.
# Section names are case-insensitive and may contain parameters in ().
# The default order of sections is `standard > default > custom > blank > dot > alias > localmodule`,
# If `custom-order` is `true`, it follows the order of `sections` option.
# Default: ["standard", "default"]
- standard # Standard section: captures all standard packages.
- default # Default section: contains all imports that could not be matched to another section type.
- prefix(github.com/org/project) # Custom section: groups all imports with the specified Prefix.
- blank # Blank section: contains all blank imports. This section is not present unless explicitly enabled.
- dot # Dot section: contains all dot imports. This section is not present unless explicitly enabled.
- alias # Alias section: contains all alias imports. This section is not present unless explicitly enabled.
- localmodule # Local module section: contains all local packages. This section is not present unless explicitly enabled.
# Checks that no inline comments are present.
# Default: false
no-inline-comments: true
# Checks that no prefix comments (comment lines above an import) are present.
# Default: false
no-prefix-comments: true
# Enable custom order of sections.
# If `true`, make the section order the same as the order of `sections`.
# Default: false
custom-order: true
# Drops lexical ordering for custom sections.
# Default: false
no-lex-order: true


Checks if the code is formatted according to 'gofmt' command.

# Simplify code: gofmt with `-s` option.
# Default: true
simplify: false
# Apply the rewrite rules to the source before reformatting.
# https://pkg.go.dev/cmd/gofmt
# Default: []
- pattern: 'interface{}'
replacement: 'any'
- pattern: 'a[b:len(a)]'
replacement: 'a[b:]'


Checks if code and import statements are formatted, with additional rules.

# Module path which contains the source code being formatted.
# Default: ""
module-path: github.com/org/project
# Choose whether to use the extra rules.
# Default: false
extra-rules: true


Checks if the code and import statements are formatted according to the 'goimports' command.

# A list of prefixes, which, if set, checks import paths
# with the given prefixes are grouped after 3rd-party packages.
# Default: []
- github.com/org/project


Checks if code is formatted, and fixes long lines.

# Target maximum line length.
# Default: 100
max-len: 200
# Length of a tabulation.
# Default: 4
tab-len: 8
# Shorten single-line comments.
# Default: false
shorten-comments: true
# Default: true
reformat-tags: false
# Split chained methods on the dots as opposed to the arguments.
# Default: true
chain-split-dots: false

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