

The config file has lower priority than command-line options. If the same bool/string/int option is provided on the command-line and in the config file, the option from command-line will be used. Slice options (e.g. list of enabled/disabled linters) are combined from the command-line and config file.

To see a list of linters enabled by your configuration use:

golangci-lint linters

Config File

GolangCI-Lint looks for config files in the following paths from the current working directory:

  • .golangci.yml
  • .golangci.yaml
  • .golangci.toml
  • .golangci.json

GolangCI-Lint also searches for config files in all directories from the directory of the first analyzed path up to the root. If no configuration file has been found, GolangCI-Lint will try to find one in your home directory. To see which config file is being used and where it was sourced from run golangci-lint with -v option.

Config options inside the file are identical to command-line options. You can configure specific linters' options only within the config file (not the command-line).

There is a .golangci.reference.yml file with all supported options, their description, and default values. This file is neither a working example nor a recommended configuration, it's just a reference to display all the configuration options.

The configuration file can be validated with the JSON Schema: https://golangci-lint.run/jsonschema/golangci.jsonschema.json

# See the dedicated "linters" documentation section.
option: value
# All available settings of specific linters.
# See the dedicated "linters-settings" documentation section.
option: value
# See the dedicated "issues" documentation section.
option: value
# output configuration options
# See the dedicated "output" documentation section.
option: value
# Options for analysis running.
# See the dedicated "run" documentation section.
option: value
# See the dedicated "severity" documentation section.
option: value

linters configuration

# Disable all linters.
# Default: false
disable-all: true
# Enable specific linter
# https://golangci-lint.run/usage/linters/#enabled-by-default
- asasalint
- asciicheck
- bidichk
- bodyclose
- canonicalheader
- containedctx
- contextcheck
- copyloopvar
- cyclop
- decorder
- depguard
- dogsled
- dupl
- dupword
- durationcheck
- err113
- errcheck
- errchkjson
- errname
- errorlint
- execinquery
- exhaustive
- exhaustruct
- exportloopref
- fatcontext
- forbidigo
- forcetypeassert
- funlen
- gci
- ginkgolinter
- gocheckcompilerdirectives
- gochecknoglobals
- gochecknoinits
- gochecksumtype
- gocognit
- goconst
- gocritic
- gocyclo
- godot
- godox
- gofmt
- gofumpt
- goheader
- goimports
- gomoddirectives
- gomodguard
- goprintffuncname
- gosec
- gosimple
- gosmopolitan
- govet
- grouper
- importas
- inamedparam
- ineffassign
- interfacebloat
- intrange
- ireturn
- lll
- loggercheck
- maintidx
- makezero
- mirror
- misspell
- mnd
- musttag
- nakedret
- nestif
- nilerr
- nilnil
- nlreturn
- noctx
- nolintlint
- nonamedreturns
- nosprintfhostport
- paralleltest
- perfsprint
- prealloc
- predeclared
- promlinter
- protogetter
- reassign
- revive
- rowserrcheck
- sloglint
- spancheck
- sqlclosecheck
- staticcheck
- stylecheck
- tagalign
- tagliatelle
- tenv
- testableexamples
- testifylint
- testpackage
- thelper
- tparallel
- unconvert
- unparam
- unused
- usestdlibvars
- varnamelen
- wastedassign
- whitespace
- wrapcheck
- wsl
- zerologlint
# Enable all available linters.
# Default: false
enable-all: true
# Disable specific linter
# https://golangci-lint.run/usage/linters/#disabled-by-default
- asasalint
- asciicheck
- bidichk
- bodyclose
- canonicalheader
- containedctx
- contextcheck
- copyloopvar
- cyclop
- decorder
- depguard
- dogsled
- dupl
- dupword
- durationcheck
- err113
- errcheck
- errchkjson
- errname
- errorlint
- execinquery
- exhaustive
- exhaustruct
- exportloopref
- fatcontext
- forbidigo
- forcetypeassert
- funlen
- gci
- ginkgolinter
- gocheckcompilerdirectives
- gochecknoglobals
- gochecknoinits
- gochecksumtype
- gocognit
- goconst
- gocritic
- gocyclo
- godot
- godox
- gofmt
- gofumpt
- goheader
- goimports
- gomoddirectives
- gomodguard
- goprintffuncname
- gosec
- gosimple
- gosmopolitan
- govet
- grouper
- importas
- inamedparam
- ineffassign
- interfacebloat
- intrange
- ireturn
- lll
- loggercheck
- maintidx
- makezero
- mirror
- misspell
- mnd
- musttag
- nakedret
- nestif
- nilerr
- nilnil
- nlreturn
- noctx
- nolintlint
- nonamedreturns
- nosprintfhostport
- paralleltest
- perfsprint
- prealloc
- predeclared
- promlinter
- protogetter
- reassign
- revive
- rowserrcheck
- sloglint
- spancheck
- sqlclosecheck
- staticcheck
- stylecheck
- tagalign
- tagliatelle
- tenv
- testableexamples
- testifylint
- testpackage
- thelper
- tparallel
- unconvert
- unparam
- unused
- usestdlibvars
- varnamelen
- wastedassign
- whitespace
- wrapcheck
- wsl
- zerologlint
- deadcode # Deprecated
- exhaustivestruct # Deprecated
- golint # Deprecated
- ifshort # Deprecated
- interfacer # Deprecated
- maligned # Deprecated
- gomnd # Deprecated
- nosnakecase # Deprecated
- scopelint # Deprecated
- structcheck # Deprecated
- varcheck # Deprecated
# Enable presets.
# https://golangci-lint.run/usage/linters
# Default: []
- bugs
- comment
- complexity
- error
- format
- import
- metalinter
- module
- performance
- sql
- style
- test
- unused
# Enable only fast linters from enabled linters set (first run won't be fast)
# Default: false
fast: true

linters-settings configuration

See the dedicated linters-settings documentation section.

issues configuration

# List of regexps of issue texts to exclude.
# But independently of this option we use default exclude patterns,
# it can be disabled by `exclude-use-default: false`.
# To list all excluded by default patterns execute `golangci-lint run --help`
# Default: https://golangci-lint.run/usage/false-positives/#default-exclusions
- abcdef
# Excluding configuration per-path, per-linter, per-text and per-source
# Exclude some linters from running on tests files.
- path: _test\.go
- gocyclo
- errcheck
- dupl
- gosec
# Run some linter only for test files by excluding its issues for everything else.
- path-except: _test\.go
- forbidigo
# Exclude known linters from partially hard-vendored code,
# which is impossible to exclude via `nolint` comments.
# `/` will be replaced by current OS file path separator to properly work on Windows.
- path: internal/hmac/
text: "weak cryptographic primitive"
- gosec
# Exclude some `staticcheck` messages.
- linters:
- staticcheck
text: "SA9003:"
# Exclude `lll` issues for long lines with `go:generate`.
- linters:
- lll
source: "^//go:generate "
# Independently of option `exclude` we use default exclude patterns,
# it can be disabled by this option.
# To list all excluded by default patterns execute `golangci-lint run --help`.
# Default: true
exclude-use-default: false
# If set to true, `exclude` and `exclude-rules` regular expressions become case-sensitive.
# Default: false
exclude-case-sensitive: false
# Which dirs to exclude: issues from them won't be reported.
# Can use regexp here: `generated.*`, regexp is applied on full path,
# including the path prefix if one is set.
# Default dirs are skipped independently of this option's value (see exclude-dirs-use-default).
# "/" will be replaced by current OS file path separator to properly work on Windows.
# Default: []
- src/external_libs
- autogenerated_by_my_lib
# Enables exclude of directories:
# - vendor$, third_party$, testdata$, examples$, Godeps$, builtin$
# Default: true
exclude-dirs-use-default: false
# Which files to exclude: they will be analyzed, but issues from them won't be reported.
# There is no need to include all autogenerated files,
# we confidently recognize autogenerated files.
# If it's not, please let us know.
# "/" will be replaced by current OS file path separator to properly work on Windows.
# Default: []
- ".*\\.my\\.go$"
- lib/bad.go
# Mode of the generated files analysis.
# - `strict`: sources are excluded by following strictly the Go generated file convention.
# Source files that have lines matching only the following regular expression will be excluded: `^// Code generated .* DO NOT EDIT\.$`
# This line must appear before the first non-comment, non-blank text in the file.
# https://go.dev/s/generatedcode
# - `lax`: sources are excluded if they contain lines `autogenerated file`, `code generated`, `do not edit`, etc.
# - `disable`: disable the generated files exclusion.
# Default: lax
exclude-generated: strict
# The list of ids of default excludes to include or disable.
# https://golangci-lint.run/usage/false-positives/#default-exclusions
# Default: []
- EXC0001
- EXC0002
- EXC0003
- EXC0004
- EXC0005
- EXC0006
- EXC0007
- EXC0008
- EXC0009
- EXC0010
- EXC0011
- EXC0012
- EXC0013
- EXC0014
- EXC0015
# Maximum issues count per one linter.
# Set to 0 to disable.
# Default: 50
max-issues-per-linter: 0
# Maximum count of issues with the same text.
# Set to 0 to disable.
# Default: 3
max-same-issues: 0
# Show only new issues: if there are unstaged changes or untracked files,
# only those changes are analyzed, else only changes in HEAD~ are analyzed.
# It's a super-useful option for integration of golangci-lint into existing large codebase.
# It's not practical to fix all existing issues at the moment of integration:
# much better don't allow issues in new code.
# Default: false
new: true
# Show only new issues created after git revision `REV`.
# Default: ""
new-from-rev: HEAD
# Show only new issues created in git patch with set file path.
# Default: ""
new-from-patch: path/to/patch/file
# Show issues in any part of update files (requires new-from-rev or new-from-patch).
# Default: false
whole-files: true
# Fix found issues (if it's supported by the linter).
# Default: false
fix: true

output configuration

# output configuration options
# The formats used to render issues.
# Formats:
# - `colored-line-number`
# - `line-number`
# - `json`
# - `colored-tab`
# - `tab`
# - `html`
# - `checkstyle`
# - `code-climate`
# - `junit-xml`
# - `junit-xml-extended`
# - `github-actions`
# - `teamcity`
# - `sarif`
# Output path can be either `stdout`, `stderr` or path to the file to write to.
# For the CLI flag (`--out-format`), multiple formats can be specified by separating them by comma.
# The output can be specified for each of them by separating format name and path by colon symbol.
# Example: "--out-format=checkstyle:report.xml,json:stdout,colored-line-number"
# The CLI flag (`--out-format`) override the configuration file.
# Default:
# formats:
# - format: colored-line-number
# path: stdout
- format: json
path: stderr
- format: checkstyle
path: report.xml
- format: colored-line-number
# Print lines of code with issue.
# Default: true
print-issued-lines: false
# Print linter name in the end of issue text.
# Default: true
print-linter-name: false
# Make issues output unique by line.
# Default: true
uniq-by-line: false
# Add a prefix to the output file references.
# Default: ""
path-prefix: ""
# Sort results by the order defined in `sort-order`.
# Default: false
sort-results: true
# Order to use when sorting results.
# Require `sort-results` to `true`.
# Possible values: `file`, `linter`, and `severity`.
# If the severity values are inside the following list, they are ordered in this order:
# 1. error
# 2. warning
# 3. high
# 4. medium
# 5. low
# Either they are sorted alphabetically.
# Default: ["file"]
- linter
- severity
- file # filepath, line, and column.
# Show statistics per linter.
# Default: false
show-stats: true

run configuration

# Options for analysis running.
# Timeout for analysis, e.g. 30s, 5m.
# Default: 1m
timeout: 5m
# Exit code when at least one issue was found.
# Default: 1
issues-exit-code: 2
# Include test files or not.
# Default: true
tests: false
# List of build tags, all linters use it.
# Default: []
- mytag
# If set, we pass it to "go list -mod={option}". From "go help modules":
# If invoked with -mod=readonly, the go command is disallowed from the implicit
# automatic updating of go.mod described above. Instead, it fails when any changes
# to go.mod are needed. This setting is most useful to check that go.mod does
# not need updates, such as in a continuous integration and testing system.
# If invoked with -mod=vendor, the go command assumes that the vendor
# directory holds the correct copies of dependencies and ignores
# the dependency descriptions in go.mod.
# Allowed values: readonly|vendor|mod
# Default: ""
modules-download-mode: readonly
# Allow multiple parallel golangci-lint instances running.
# If false, golangci-lint acquires file lock on start.
# Default: false
allow-parallel-runners: true
# Allow multiple golangci-lint instances running, but serialize them around a lock.
# If false, golangci-lint exits with an error if it fails to acquire file lock on start.
# Default: false
allow-serial-runners: true
# Define the Go version limit.
# Mainly related to generics support since go1.18.
# Default: use Go version from the go.mod file, fallback on the env var `GOVERSION`, fallback on 1.17
go: '1.19'
# Number of operating system threads (`GOMAXPROCS`) that can execute golangci-lint simultaneously.
# If it is explicitly set to 0 (i.e. not the default) then golangci-lint will automatically set the value to match Linux container CPU quota.
# Default: the number of logical CPUs in the machine
concurrency: 4

severity configuration

# Set the default severity for issues.
# If severity rules are defined and the issues do not match or no severity is provided to the rule
# this will be the default severity applied.
# Severities should match the supported severity names of the selected out format.
# - Code climate: https://docs.codeclimate.com/docs/issues#issue-severity
# - Checkstyle: https://checkstyle.sourceforge.io/property_types.html#SeverityLevel
# - GitHub: https://help.github.com/en/actions/reference/workflow-commands-for-github-actions#setting-an-error-message
# - TeamCity: https://www.jetbrains.com/help/teamcity/service-messages.html#Inspection+Instance
# `@linter` can be used as severity value to keep the severity from linters (e.g. revive, gosec, ...)
# Default: ""
default-severity: error
# If set to true `severity-rules` regular expressions become case-sensitive.
# Default: false
case-sensitive: true
# When a list of severity rules are provided, severity information will be added to lint issues.
# Severity rules have the same filtering capability as exclude rules
# except you are allowed to specify one matcher per severity rule.
# `@linter` can be used as severity value to keep the severity from linters (e.g. revive, gosec, ...)
# Only affects out formats that support setting severity information.
# Default: []
- linters:
- dupl
severity: info

Command-Line Options

golangci-lint run -h
golangci-lint run [flags]
-c, --config PATH Read config from file path PATH
--no-config Don't read config file
-D, --disable strings Disable specific linter
--disable-all Disable all linters
-E, --enable strings Enable specific linter
--enable-all Enable all linters
--fast Enable only fast linters from enabled linters set (first run won't be fast)
-p, --presets strings Enable presets (bugs|comment|complexity|error|format|import|metalinter|module|performance|sql|style|test|unused) of linters.
Run 'golangci-lint help linters' to see them.
This option implies option --disable-all
--enable-only strings Override linters configuration section to only run the specific linter(s)
-j, --concurrency int Number of CPUs to use (Default: number of logical CPUs) (default 8)
--modules-download-mode string Modules download mode. If not empty, passed as -mod=<mode> to go tools
--issues-exit-code int Exit code when issues were found (default 1)
--go string Targeted Go version
--build-tags strings Build tags
--timeout duration Timeout for total work (default 1m0s)
--tests Analyze tests (*_test.go) (default true)
--allow-parallel-runners Allow multiple parallel golangci-lint instances running.
If false (default) - golangci-lint acquires file lock on start.
--allow-serial-runners Allow multiple golangci-lint instances running, but serialize them around a lock.
If false (default) - golangci-lint exits with an error if it fails to acquire file lock on start.
--out-format string Formats of output: json|line-number|colored-line-number|tab|colored-tab|checkstyle|code-climate|html|junit-xml|junit-xml-extended|github-actions|teamcity|sarif (default "colored-line-number")
--print-issued-lines Print lines of code with issue (default true)
--print-linter-name Print linter name in issue line (default true)
--uniq-by-line Make issues output unique by line (default true)
--sort-results Sort linter results
--sort-order strings Sort order of linter results
--path-prefix string Path prefix to add to output
--show-stats Show statistics per linter
-e, --exclude strings Exclude issue by regexp
--exclude-use-default Use or not use default excludes:
- EXC0001 (errcheck): Almost all programs ignore errors on these functions and in most cases it's ok.
Pattern: 'Error return value of .((os\.)?std(out|err)\..*|.*Close|.*Flush|os\.Remove(All)?|.*print(f|ln)?|os\.(Un)?Setenv). is not checked'
- EXC0002 (golint): Annoying issue about not having a comment. The rare codebase has such comments.
Pattern: '(comment on exported (method|function|type|const)|should have( a package)? comment|comment should be of the form)'
- EXC0003 (golint): False positive when tests are defined in package 'test'.
Pattern: 'func name will be used as test\.Test.* by other packages, and that stutters; consider calling this'
- EXC0004 (govet): Common false positives.
Pattern: '(possible misuse of unsafe.Pointer|should have signature)'
- EXC0005 (staticcheck): Developers tend to write in C-style with an explicit 'break' in a 'switch', so it's ok to ignore.
Pattern: 'SA4011'
- EXC0006 (gosec): Too many false-positives on 'unsafe' usage.
Pattern: 'G103: Use of unsafe calls should be audited'
- EXC0007 (gosec): Too many false-positives for parametrized shell calls.
Pattern: 'G204: Subprocess launched with variable'
- EXC0008 (gosec): Duplicated errcheck checks.
Pattern: 'G104'
- EXC0009 (gosec): Too many issues in popular repos.
Pattern: '(G301|G302|G307): Expect (directory permissions to be 0750|file permissions to be 0600) or less'
- EXC0010 (gosec): False positive is triggered by 'src, err := ioutil.ReadFile(filename)'.
Pattern: 'G304: Potential file inclusion via variable'
- EXC0011 (stylecheck): Annoying issue about not having a comment. The rare codebase has such comments.
Pattern: '(ST1000|ST1020|ST1021|ST1022)'
- EXC0012 (revive): Annoying issue about not having a comment. The rare codebase has such comments.
Pattern: 'exported (.+) should have comment( \(or a comment on this block\))? or be unexported'
- EXC0013 (revive): Annoying issue about not having a comment. The rare codebase has such comments.
Pattern: 'package comment should be of the form "(.+)..."'
- EXC0014 (revive): Annoying issue about not having a comment. The rare codebase has such comments.
Pattern: 'comment on exported (.+) should be of the form "(.+)..."'
- EXC0015 (revive): Annoying issue about not having a comment. The rare codebase has such comments.
Pattern: 'should have a package comment' (default true)
--exclude-case-sensitive If set to true exclude and exclude rules regular expressions are case-sensitive
--max-issues-per-linter int Maximum issues count per one linter. Set to 0 to disable (default 50)
--max-same-issues int Maximum count of issues with the same text. Set to 0 to disable (default 3)
--exclude-files strings Regexps of files to exclude
--exclude-dirs strings Regexps of directories to exclude
--exclude-dirs-use-default Use or not use default excluded directories:
- (^|/)vendor($|/)
- (^|/)third_party($|/)
- (^|/)testdata($|/)
- (^|/)examples($|/)
- (^|/)Godeps($|/)
- (^|/)builtin($|/)
(default true)
--exclude-generated string Mode of the generated files analysis (default "lax")
-n, --new Show only new issues: if there are unstaged changes or untracked files, only those changes are analyzed, else only changes in HEAD~ are analyzed.
It's a super-useful option for integration of golangci-lint into existing large codebase.
It's not practical to fix all existing issues at the moment of integration: much better to not allow issues in new code.
For CI setups, prefer --new-from-rev=HEAD~, as --new can skip linting the current patch if any scripts generate unstaged files before golangci-lint runs.
--new-from-rev REV Show only new issues created after git revision REV
--new-from-patch PATH Show only new issues created in git patch with file path PATH
--whole-files Show issues in any part of update files (requires new-from-rev or new-from-patch)
--fix Fix found issues (if it's supported by the linter)
--cpu-profile-path string Path to CPU profile output file
--mem-profile-path string Path to memory profile output file
--print-resources-usage Print avg and max memory usage of golangci-lint and total time
--trace-path string Path to trace output file
Global Flags:
--color string Use color when printing; can be 'always', 'auto', or 'never' (default "auto")
-h, --help Help for a command
-v, --verbose Verbose output

When the --cpu-profile-path or --mem-profile-path arguments are specified, golangci-lint writes runtime profiling data in the format expected by the pprof visualization tool.

When the --trace-path argument is specified, golangci-lint writes runtime tracing data in the format expected by the go tool trace command and visualization tool.


GolangCI-Lint stores its cache in the subdirectory golangci-lint inside the default user cache directory.

You can override the default cache directory with the environment variable GOLANGCI_LINT_CACHE; the path must be absolute.

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